Monday, July 17, 2006


Tomatoes - mmmmmm!

Well, I am finally getting a good supply of tomatoes. About a week ago I got one every other day and then, by Saturday, we were getting about 4 or 5 a day. I think it will be increasing to more than that judging by all the greenies. The heirlooms have been WUN-DER-FUL! The Brandywines and Cherokee Purples are so flavorful, almost sweet. They are truly a slice of love. I have been eating tomato and cucumber sandwiches and tomato biscuits like mad. I love to make a gigantic pan of biscuits and then have them on hand all day for tomato biscuits. I'm not the only one in the house that enjoys them either. I also like to take tomato/cucumber sandwiches for lunch. I make homemade loaf bread especially for these which I spread on a bit of mayo. Pure heaven it is!
On another garden front, the corn silks are starting to turn purple and we should have some ears ready to pick before long. Our squash is still hanging in there. We still have about 5 plants producing albeit slow due to the incredibly hot and dry weather we are having here. The cukes don't like this dry weather and even though I have watered them daily, they seem to be trying to kick the bucket on this season. Our peppers, both hot and sweet are doing great and I hope to make up a batch of stuffed peppers this week. The green beans are still putting on, just not in the massive quantities that they started with. This probably has to do with the hot dry weather too. I have some beautiful butternut squash that I really hope the deer leave alone. I have seen their footprints down there below the rows like they were checking things out. I may put my pit bull dog down there to scare them away (ha ha). Yes, I am serious about my butternut squash. I mean to have plenty to store for the winter so watch out deer! I think the reason the butternut is doing so well this year is that the sunflowers are partially shading them and the soil around them is not drying out quite as fast as some in the garden. I also have some beautiful butterbeans and crowder peas that I am just patiently waiting to fill out and the pods to turn a little yellow. The okra should be putting on in a couple of days too. My black cat really has enjoyed the garden this year. I can go out there most any time of the day and find him laying amongst the beans, corn, or tomatoes just stretched out enjoying the peace. Hey, maybe this is why there are not rabbits or squirrels harvesting my precious veggies :~)

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